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Attracting and retaining staff in any sector is a challenging task these days. Especially because employees in the service sector are efficient enough to manipulate and manage the workplace processes strategically. Today, we will discuss how to write an essay that will shed some light on the challenges that are faced by the education sector when it comes to retaining their staff. Additionally, we will also mention a few conflict areas that are prominent in this field. Thesis statement: Accomplishing a dynamic and strategic human resource program that will improve the process of attracting and retaining staff in the educational sector. Topics to be discussed: Under HRMT20024 Attracting and Retaining Staff Assessment Answer we are discussing today is an essay that follows a particular manner that will explain your research and ideas methodically, and critically evaluate:
Writing the essay: An essay is usually divided into three parts. You start by writing the introduction of the essay where you include your thesis statement towards the end. After comes the main body which is generally divided into different paragraphs that are logically connected. The final section is the conclusion where you wrap up your arguments succinctly.
Finally, in the conclusion of your HRMT20024 assessment answer, you can summarise that these themes are truly interrelated to one another and are essential for workplace satisfaction, liability, security, and progress of culture as well. If the first theme discussed women’s position in the educational sector, it can be connected to the leadership qualities and skills of women and entrepreneurs in the second theme. Similarly, the third and fourth themes discuss the importance of balanced workplace relations that can be aided by ethical leadership and proper conflict management. Finally, the last theme has a direct relation to strategic human resource planning as it helps an organisation manage risks, increase profits, and retain its staff. You can end your conclusion by giving the audience something interesting to think about.
Our trained academic writers have helped hundreds of children write impeccable essays on this subject in the past. But, if you are still unconvinced, you can always go through our HRMT20024 assessment samples and then make up your mind. We look forward to hearing from you. All the best!
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